Reviewing “Overwhelmed” By Royal and The Serpent

Dylanna Fisher
3 min readMar 30, 2022

Bringing you relatable feelings and anxiety is Royal and the Serpent. Switching styles is reviewing the song “Overwhelmed”.

Introducing The Overwhelming Topic

To get started here is the original song by royal and the serpent. If you haven’t watched the music video, you certainly should!

This is such a wonderful song. It’s not just that this song is popular on Tik Tok. And it’s not about its eleven million views on YouTube. It’s not just that the music video was artistically shot on Kodiak’s 16 mm film. All of those are damn impressive elements but the aspect that stood out to me is the feeling of the song.

Don’t mind me getting personal with my readers. With someone with anxiety, ADHD and depression, the highs, and lows of the song itself are very reminiscent of when all the mental illnesses combined. There’s a lot of high energy and repetition, and then it’s quiet for a little bit. This is what goes on inside my head. Royal and the serpent nail it.

“All I wanted really to do with ‘“Overwhelmed” ‘ was to give it to people to hopefully make them feel better,” Says Royal



Dylanna Fisher

Let me introduce myself. I'm Dylanna fisher, a writer, creator, and visionary. Check out my work on and on